The term photovoltaic (PV) was first utilized in 1890 and consists of two parts. These are photo’ implying light and volt’, a unit of measurement named after Alessandro Volta, a pioneer in studying about electricity. The two terms therefore combine to imply generation of electricity from light.
The solar cell or Photovoltaic array makes up the functional basis of a PV system. Three primary configurations are used widely for solar Photovoltaic systems, with the simplest one involving direct power supply to the electrical load. The basic solar system however works only in presence of sunshine as it employs no storage system at all.
Components of PV System
A Photovoltaic system is made up of several components. The most common include PV panels, inverter, wiring and mounting hardware, charge regulator along with one or more batteries. All these components co-function harmoniously to provide electric current generated from the sun.
Distinction between PV systems and Related Solar Energy Technologies
Photovoltaic systems function by converting sunlight into electricity via a solar cell, which normally is made of semi-conductor materials. This differs from how systems like concentrating solar systems work. Such systems concentrate energy from the sun via reflective gadgets like mirror panels for producing heat that is in turn utilized for generating electricity.
Application of PV Systems
Photovoltaic systems can be applied both for domestic and business objectives. They may be utilized in home electrical systems like lights, appliances and cooling systems. As well, modern PV systems can be blended with ease into both traditional as well as non-traditional systems. Panels require being mounted onto south-facing roof or wall to achieve the ideal outcome. The systems may also be applied in nearly all structures that are used for commercial purposes. You may for instance find the system being applied outdoors for providing security lighting. As well, it is useful in lighting up bus shelters and parking lots.
PV Hybrid System
The PV array powering it charges some storage battery, enabling it to function well even at night. PV hybrid system in general depends upon an auxiliary power source. Such configuration is suitable particularly for applications within regions having large variations in conditions of sunlight.
The charge controller functions as voltage regulator, therefore preventing overcharging of storage batteries. There is a photovoltaic control available for sensing when batteries attain full charge or are near depletion. This facility cuts down on extra energy to batteries, thereby preventing further discharge of current accordingly. PV modules can generate electric power even during cloudy seasons.
Advantages of PV Systems
Making use of a photovoltaic system brings along an array of crucial gains. Once acquired, you will not be required to offset monthly bills for energy, as your energy will be sourced from sunlight. Another benefit is that applying a solar cell helps minimize pollution of air and therefore conserve the environment. In addition, electricity generated from a PV system, unlike that obtained from diesel sources, assists in preventing harmful gaseous emissions. This equally helps to keep the environment in its natural state. To ascertain acquiring genuine products, ensure conducting your purchases in a reputable store.