Renewable Energy Sources: Reviews & Information

Renewable power is a power created from quickly-replenished sources like the sun, wind, water, biological and geothermal processes. Compared to fossil fuels and coals, these all-natural resources are normally referred to as clean types of power considering that they do not produce harmful emissions and polluting agents into the atmosphere and as a result have a really minimal environmental effect for the duration of the method of production which is a quite great element in the preservation of our atmosphere.

Solar energy

Derived from the sun, the sunlight is turned into electricity or thermal energy. The latter doesn’t require any kind of technology to function, because it is directly produced by the sun’s radiation as it heats up home water, pools, washing machines and internal spaces such as buildings and greenhouses. There are, however, heating systems, and those help circulate the heat that was trapped. The electric energy is also called photovoltaic energy and is produced using solar cells organized in panels that absorb sunlight radiation and a generator creates electricity that is transmitted through circuits. That energy can also be trapped in batteries to be used up when there is no sunlight.

The benefits are various: it produces less greenhouse gas emissions and no pollution, it is limitless, thermal energy is free and photovoltaic energy is cheaper than other energy sources and it doesn’t depend on oil.


Hydropower was originally used in water mills, but with the advent of turbines this source of renewable power now generates electricity. Dams are built to form reservoirs and offer a potential to harness the power generated by the height of the falling water. Water flows down the tunnels in the base of the dam, turns the turbines, and generate electricity. It is controllable and very economical. But it also has the lowest chance of growth as the majority of good sites have already been used.


Biomass utilized organic materials to generate power. It is one of the oldest and earliest types using fire. Wood or coal is burned to produce heat to turn water into steam which turns a turbine, and this process generates electricity.

Wind Energy

Wind energy is kinetic energy from the wind that is transformed in mechanical or electric energy. Windmills or wind turbines can create it. Windmills turn wind power into mechanical energy that turns blades used to pump water, grinding grains or other products. Wind turbines also use large blades, but these become speedier with the help of gear transmission and a generator creates electricity. They can also be used to pump water, as well as powering entire cities and charging batteries for industry.

Wind power generates no pollution on the environment, and like solar power it is free. It also helps create jobs and increase local tax revenues. It is the most common renewable energy for commercial use and is found mainly in wind farms in areas with high altitudes.

Geothermal Energy

This type of energy is generated by the Earth’s core, under the surface of the planet, and is obtained in volcanically active locations or from shallow depths or hotspots. A power station is necessary to trap this kind of energy and there are three types of power plants used: dry steam, which uses steam from fractures in the ground to drive a turbine; binary, which uses hot water to boil fluid that drives a turbine; and flash, which uses a separator to separate the steam from hot water and direct that steam through a turbine. Geothermal power naturally occurs in unstable areas of the world and it is great because conserves fossil fuels and does not generate pollution or greenhouse gas emissions.


Biofuels usually are one of the cheapest types of renewable energy. They are derived from burning plants and animal substances in a process commonly known as combustion. This process can be found in third world countries including Brazil, and other regions of Latin America, which have transformed big areas of arable land and rainforest for the planting of corn, soya, and other crops that generate ethanol. Ethanol, when it undergoes the procedure of purification, can supply biofuel oils which can be combined with petroleum in order to be employed as substitute fuel. Though they are able to be implemented in establishing countries a great deal more cheaply than large-scale wind, solar and hydro applications, there is certainly nevertheless the challenge of creating and keeping the substantial crops essential to produce biofuels available in significant quantities.

Tidal energy

It is generated by the force of moving water, which turns blades in turbines. Tidal energy comes from the ocean tides and produces energy depending on how high or low the tide rises. For tidal energy production barrages or dams with turbines, fences with giant turbines or turbines underwater that capture flows are used.

The more renewable energy sources that are produced and used, the more we will be able to conserve the planet and its natural resources. Some may require high investments, but they will eventually pay off and allow us to continue using Earth’s resources in a sustainable way.

The last review from EnergySage:


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